7 Tips for Wellness During the Holiday Season

7 Tips for Wellness During the Holiday Season

Warm holiday vibes are in full swing wrapping us in the cozy embrace of family and friends while we are surrounded with an endless array of delicious food and drink. And while holidays are no doubt a fun meaningful tradition, they can also sneak in a bit of stress for both mind and body.  

Maintain Healthy Habits  

Holidays are busy and it’s easy to fall out of your routine, but it’s important to keep up with good habits. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep, limit sweets, and be mindful of alcohol. These small steps can make a big difference in how you feel. 

Keep Active  

Find a way to exercise no matter what the weather holds. Whether it's a brisk walk in the snow or a yoga session in a warm den. Exercise is great for strengthening your body and clearing your mind, but it’s also a great way to support your immune system too. Just a few hours of exercise each week will get your immune cells circulating and reduce your chance of infection so you can stay strong all holiday long.   

Eat a Rainbow 

With all the cookies and treats available this time of year it's important to balance your diet with healthy foods too. Eating a variety of brightly colored fruits and vegetables like berries, oranges, and green kale can help you feel better while supporting your immune system.   

Focus on What Matters  

The holidays can be hectic with family, shopping, and traffic. If things get tense, take a moment to breathe and refocus. Remember the true spirit of the holidays and stay calm. 

Bring Compassion 

Practicing self-compassion can reduce depression, stress, performance anxiety, and improve overall well-being. So cut yourself some slack next time you eat too many cookies or don’t feel like socializing in big group, it’s ok.  And speak with compassion. Bring the element of compassion into what you think, say and do. The positive vibrations are contagious! 

Cultivate Self-Acceptance  

During the holidays, reuniting with friends and family may inadvertently spark the habit of self-comparison. Remember, your worth isn't measured by others' achievements or lifestyles. Embrace your unique journey and celebrate your individuality. 

Reflect on the Holiday Essence  

Amidst the hustle of holiday preparations and gatherings, it's easy to succumb to stress and frustration. In moments of tension, take a pause to breathe deeply and realign with a sense of calm. While you can't control external circumstances, you have the power to choose a peaceful and composed response. 

With these tips you’re set up to have your happiest healthiest holiday ever. And be sure to check out Charlotte’s Web for CBD and botanicals to help support you and your wellness goals during this festive time of year.  

Happy Holidays from all of us at Charlotte’s Web.