The Science Behind Creating a Cordyceps Gummy for Energy Support

If you find yourself stressed about your daily to-dos, or overwhelmed and irritable, we may have the solution for you: Charlotte's Web™ Energy Support Mushroom Gummies, powered with the Cordyceps mushroom.
Let’s dive into the science behind Cordyceps, and why we chose it as a star ingredient of our new functional mushroom gummy line.
Benefits of Cordyceps Mushroom
Known as the “performance mushroom”, Cordyceps is a remarkable functional mushroom celebrated for its ability to support energy1, athletic performance1, and overall vitality2.
Emerging research3 on the benefits of cordyceps has identified this mushroom to play a role in the body’s production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-- the compound responsible for cellular energy.
All these components make cordyceps a phenomenal addition to the routine of athletes, busy professionals, parents, or anyone leading a challenging day-to-day lifestyle.
Functional Mushroom Gummies for Energy Support
Made with 720mg of dry weight cordyceps and 1,200mg of dry weight shiitake per serving, these gummies are no joke when it comes to supporting healthy energy levels*.
Cordyceps is an edible mushroom known for its many benefits in traditional practices. There are two species of cordyceps mushrooms that are becoming popular, and one, called cordyceps sinensis, became famous after the Chinese women’s running team said it helped them with their performance in the 1993 Olympic games.
Studies have looked at different doses of cordyceps (from 500 mg to 6,000 mg). Dose of 1,800 mg or less have been linked to improved endurance, performance, and energy. Higher doses haven’t shown the same results.
Our product provides 720 mg per serving and can be taken twice a day for 1,440 mg, which is in line with the studies showing benefits for exercise and energy (below 3,000 mg).
Shiitake is another edible mushroom used in traditional practices for a range of benefits. Like many functional mushrooms, shiitake contains beta-glucans, which are a type of soluble fiber that can improve physical performance.
A recent study looked at physiological effects of taking shiitake and found that supplementation with shiitake was linked to adaptive responses of the body related to improved exercise performance, energy, recovery, and adaptation.
How to Find High-Quality Cordyceps Gummies
When you think of mushrooms, you likely think about the cap that’s growing above ground – that's known as the fruiting body of the mushroom. These fruiting bodies have dense, varied nutrient content.
There’s also a much larger part of the mushroom that grows underground – that is known as the mycelium of the mushroom. While mycelium contains unique compounds and nutrients as compared to the fruiting body, it can still provide some helpful wellness benefits. However, low-quality mycelium is often grown on grains so the final product may contain more grain than mushroom.
Inclusion of the fruiting body and proof of third-party testing results is a strong sign of quality mycelium in a supplement.
Getting Hype with Mushrooms: Why We Made an Energy Support Gummy
Creating this gummy gives anyone that is getting their hemp through another product or moment in their routine, or who aren’t interested in using hemp, an option for supporting healthy levels of energy.* You can’t find a better functional mushroom than cordyceps for that, if you ask us.
Next Steps
Learn more about our Energy Support gummy or download our guide to functional mushrooms.
- Tags: Functional Mushrooms Science